Tuesday, February 24, 2015

So you want to be a teacher...

When ever someone asks me why I want to be a teacher, I almost immediately jump to the most basic answer...."Because I want to make a difference". However, now that I have been in the Teacher Academy class for quite a while, I now have a better answer for that. But I want to know what you're answer is to this question. 


  1. I want to inspire students to achieve their full potential!

  2. I want to be a teacher because I know that there are students out there that have so much potential, but they just need a little nudge in the right direction.

  3. I want to be a teacher because I have always enjoyed teaching people new things. It can be anything, really, as long as they had a good time and so did I. The spread of information and knowledge is what I love to do.

  4. I want to inspire and push students to do their best like my teachers have done for me.

  5. Now that I have been in Teacher Academy, I know now that I really want to become a teacher. I want to become a teacher because I like watching the students grow and learn new information!
